Whirlwinds & Small Voices

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Whirlwinds & Small Voices Book
Written with her father, retired Methodist Minister Clarence McConkey, Whirlwinds & Small Voices provides a seven-day discipline of vocational renewal for those working in serving professions. McConkey Robbins works professionally as a speech-language pathologist focusing her practice on children. While reviewing personal journal entries from her many years of practice, she noticed how often her spirituality intertwined with her professional career.
How does spirituality affect proficiency, objectivity and professionalism?
With insight and guidance from her father, McConkey Robbins weaves her journal entries with inspirational insights (beacons) from great thinkers as she walks readers through the cycle of seven days of Re-creation for a clinician.
The book explores difficult issues confronting those in the serving professions as they strive to maintain their energy and commitment while working in rewarding, but often emotionally exhausting fields.  Cast against a backdrop of a comparison between the story of the seven days of creation and a week in the life of a clinician, the authors utilize a mixture of anecdotes, personal reflections, and quotations from secular and non-secular sources, to offer a resource for recommitment and rejuvenation for those whose careers are focused on serving others.

Chapter study questions are included for individuals or groups.

Amy book signing

Original Celtic Mandala by Elantu Veovode

Praise for the Book
The daughter-father team … write about the spiritual challenges of people who do healing and sometimes heartbreaking work with special-needs children. But they write from a place of such deep candor, faith, and hope that their words will speak to people in every walk of life. … This book itself is a gift to all of us.

Park J. Palmer (Author “A Hidden Wholeness,” “Let Your Life Speak,” and “The Courage to Teach”)

The balance between personal faith and professional life has seldom been so clearly put and thoughtfully documented… The authors’ calling to focus on the needs of others is contrasted with the frequent difficulty in meeting these needs and the familiar experience of our own need for a daily rebirth of energy within ourselves to help the children and families for whose wellbeing we have taken responsibility.

John Graham, Otolaryngologist, Royal National Throat Nose & Ear Hospital; Past Chairman Medical Committee, St. Luke’s Hospital for the Clergy, London, U.K.

Facebook Discussion
In a serving profession and interested in discussing the topic of vocational renewal with us? Join the discussion on Facebook at our group Whirlwinds and Small Voices.

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